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TUC calls for Labour Standards inclusion in EU trade negotiations

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Decent Work

EU Bilateral Trade Negotiating Mandate

TUC Demands

In light of current discussions relating to the draft negotiating mandates that the EU is in the process of finalising for its bilateral trade agreement negotiations with India; Korea; and the ASEAN group of countries, TUC General Secretary - Brendan Barber, has written to FCO/DTI Minister of State Ian McCartney to raise key issues relating to trade and labour standard provisions.

The TUC believes it is essential that these negotiating mandates include social and labour issues, in line with the commitments made by the European Union in its prior statements on trade, on decent work and on the social dimension of globalisation.

These include at the following principles:

  • A strong statement in the Preamble of each agreement providing for the commitment of both parties to the attainment of decent work, including the core labour standards - i.e. freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; the effective abolition of child labour; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation and equal remuneration;
  • A statement in the Objectives of each agreement that includes commitment to decent work, including the full respect of core labour standards, as an essential element of the agreement that shall not be undermined by either party in the pursuit of trade or investment advantage;
  • A linkage to the promotion of decent work, including core labour standards;
  • A commitment to assess the social and employment impact in the EU and partner countries of each agreement, including obligations concerning decent work and core labour standards, with participation of the legitimate representatives of the social partners of the parties concerned;
  • and the inclusion of decent work, including core labour standards, within the binding procedures of each agreement to ensure their mutual observance by both parties.

The General Secretary expressed the firm hope that British Government would fully support these principles and would engage in discussion on how these points would be taken forward within the EU.

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