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More solidarity from health unions around the world

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Solidarity messages

NHS Rally 7 March

2 March 2012

Solidarity messages for the Save Our NHS - 7 March Rally from 9 health and other public sector unions in Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Korea, Norway, South Africa, Sweden and Zimbabwe, collected by Unison.

Cyprus - Federation of Public Services Employees

The Cypriot workers, members of the Federation of Public Services Employees FP SEK, express their solidarity to your fight to protect the National Health Services.

Considering the financial crisis and its negative effects on the working class, Governments' priority must be to strengthening the social protection, and therefore they should protect and improve the national health services.

FP SEK members fully support your fight and we wish you every success.

Czech Republic - Czech Firefighters´' Union

We express our support and solidarity to UNISON, and all the others who want to prevent the danger of destruction, and privatisation of your NHS through your government´s Health and Social Care Bill.

The Czech Firefighters´' Union is strongly against such a bill that would result in threatening the NHS staff and subsequently even the patients.

There have also been such attempts here in the Czech Republic, and we are aware of the privatisation dangers that might cause unwanted collapse of the NHS.

Your MPs in the British Parliament should not fail to protect all the UK people, trade unionists, British workers, and their families. You all are those who pay the NHS, use it and own it. Thus it is your explicit right to take part in making decisions.

France - Health and Social Services Federation

The Health and Social Services Federation of the CFDT (France) gives its full support to UNISON in your opposition to the dismantling of the British National Health Service and we stand in solidarity with you action on 7 March 2012.

The Health and Social Services Federation of the CFDT denounces the challenges to both the British health system and in many other European countries:

The dismantling of the NHS undermines the principles of solidarity, of help to all citizens, of quality of care and patient safety

It undermines the Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that 'Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care...'

The consequences on work organisation and the worsening of working conditions for all health workers directly undermines Article 31 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights which states that 'every worker has the right to working conditions which respect their health, safety and dignity.'

Greece - ADEDY

The Executive Committee of ADEDY and the workers in the Hellenic Public Sector express our solidarity with UNISON and our support to all the health professionals, patients and citizens who are organizing a demonstration on 7th March in order to defend the National health System in UK.

The neoliberal policies, the abolishment of social and labour rights, the privatizations, the unpopular austerity measures imposed by most of European governments aim to the dismantling of social and welfare state and will lead the workers, the citizens and the society to misery and poverty.

The Social Europe will be ruined.

The struggle in every country but also in whole Europe is necessary now. We have to fight for the defence of our rights, our acquisitions, our future.

The quality healthcare is a right for all.

Health is a Public Good.

We stand with you and wish you full success to your struggle.

Korea - Health & Medical Workers' Union

On behalf of 40,000 members of the Korean Health & Medical Workers' Union (KHMU), I would like to express KHMU's support and solidarity for UNISON's struggle of <Save Our NHS>.

We KHMU have been struggling for realising 'Health for All' and opposing the privatisation of healthcare system in South Korea under the flag of 'Life before Money'. Let us confess frankly that our struggle towards 'Health for All' and 'Life before Money' in Korea have been inspired and encouraged by the NHS and UNISON in UK.

It is very sure that the NHS is one of the most historic assets of social security and popular welfare not only for workers in UK, but also for workers in Korea as well as all over the world.

Your struggle is our struggle and UNISON' struggle is KHMU's struggle. As always, KHMU will march together with UNISON under the flag of 'Life before Money' and 'Save Our NHS'.

Norway - Fagforbundet

Fagforbundet in Norway supports your fight for the future of National Health Service. Quality health services available to all is a foundation for well-being of the people. Comprehensive health care instead of fragmentation and profit hunting is the only way to high quality public health services to all.

South Africa - HOSPERSA

On behalf of our 70,000 members I would like to pledge the support of our union in your campaign 'Save Our NHS'. The fact that 62% of the public do not trust the government with the NHS and do not support the idea of privatization is a clear indication that the workers reject the Health and Social Care Bill which is making its way through the final stages in the House of Lords.

HOSPERSA supports all the trade unions, health workers, professionals, patients and campaigners who will rally under the banner 'Save Our NHS' on 7 March 2012 in London. You are assured of the moral support of all our members on that day.

Sweden - Union of Civil Servants

We want with this Greetings wish you success and wide participation in the planned rally "Save Our NHS". Fighting for public services of good quality and equal access is not just a fundamental issue for trade unions in the public sector but a fundamental issue concerning the allocation of a society's resources.

Zimbabwe - Civil Service Employees Association

The Civil Service Employees Association of Zimbabwe joins UNISON and strongly condemns the UK government's Health and Social Care Bill. The intention to privatise and fragment the NHS compromises the vulnerable and the working class's fundamental right to Health Services. As CSEA we say No! to the privatisation of health services - NHS = HEALTH CARE FOR ALL.

Solidarity forever!

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