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TUC Black Workers' Conference 2012

Issue date

Date: 27 - 29 April 2012
Venue: TUC, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3LS


TUC's Stephen Lawrence Fundraising Appeal

The TUC is calling on trade unions and trade unionists to help protect the legacy of Stephen Lawrence by giving generously to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust fund raising appeal to ensure that the vital work of the Trust continues and that Stephen's legacy lives on.

The TUC have consistently supported the Stephen Lawrence campaign and Stephens legacy through the fight to tackle institutional racism in the workplace, and in wider society.

The struggle to bring to justice the killers of Stephen Lawrence who was murdered 18 years ago has left an enduring legacy legally and awareness in the wider community about the evils of racism and racial justice in the UK... more information

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